Quick facts about us

Who is abroadaround 

Maxi, 26 years old, an absolutely funny, adorable argentinian mustache muchacho who is crazy about his "famous" BBQ and a passionate barber who adores to travel and of cause, yes and you probably gonna say how typical, football or as you americans say... soccer!

Mona, 27 years old, an amazing german lady, who is focussed and lovely. Lately into yoga 🤔 but well, we all have our phases.. She is crazy about potatoes, like for real guys crazy and I don't wanna start to talk about her dedication for chocolate, nonetheless a hot beach chick.

We met around 9 month ago in Guatemala. Mona just started her journey like 3 weeks ago and has already been to Mexico, well, let's say she stopped by because she really missed out the main and gorgeous parts of it. At this point maxi was traveling for about 3 month, he went to Mexico, really enjoyed his cute ass off, let's say cervezas, té gustan mucho ;) salud! After his one month, let the sun shine on my sexy beach body and  un dos tres mas limon porfavor ale ale ale he got a little board and made a contact to his friend who was currently in Guatemala,  at this point thanks to our loved friend Mile( without you we would never have met)

And now the story begins!

Well it might  seem obvious at this point, two backpackers, a couple of hostals in one town, some beers some salsa and, let's get it on ..pero NO !

Mona was traveling with her lovely friend Yvonna, so girl power you know what I mean .. wasn't that easy to get to talk to that girl, well eventually as well because my English at this point more than sucked!!! Thanks teacher for being so patient with me :)

Ok ok yes I got my moment and what can I say ;) got the girl amigos;)
 from now on we spent every day together, did this eewww kind of couple without being a couple things ..

After two weeks I guess it was we kind of moved in together and started to work for the same hostal - craziest two weeks so far - we had so much fun '

Antigua is really a place where you can get stuck if you get to comfi, so lovely, so crazy, so beautiful,  well we booked a shuttle to El Salvador and that's the beginning of our story



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