B A C K P A C K I N G  C H I L E 
here we GO!

Plan is set, tickets are booked and all the laundry is about to be washed, organized and specifically picked.

The backpacks are fundamentally renewed and ready for action, gracias a Dios.
Just wanted to give you guys a quick overview of what's going to happen and what is on our top to do list in C H I L E 

⌲ Santiago de Chile 
⌲ Valparaiso   
 Atacama Desert
 crossing borders to Bolivia 

Of cause, I'm going to write for each topic above a separate blog and an chile overview with our experience:) schala la la la ... 
so sit tight, stick with us and don't miss out our detailed backpacking guide for CHILE 🇨🇱 

We are going to travel all the route by land which means 3 days in the desert is ahead of us! 
We are super exited and can't wait to tell you how this experience was for us .. hope to find awesome white wine for me ( uh la la ) and amazing beef for my Argentinian lover boy . . .


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